COVID-1984: Part Two

At present, establishment media is engaged in what I consider to be the most brazen campaign of dishonesty and censorship I have seen since I began keeping tabs on its questionable ways during my time as a journalism student over a decade ago.

In an uncanny tune of wartime propaganda corporate broadcasting agencies essentially want you to believe your neighbour could be harbouring an enemy or might be the enemy themselves, and that you should suspend your way of life because the government proclaimed “it’s the right thing to do.” That’s called sloganeering, a tired propaganda technique that I am a bit astonished works so well in the year 2020. All this over something akin to a moderate flu season, if that.

For those who prefer to refine their thinking or simply armour themselves against this sort of pitiful disregard of facts, idiocy of officialdom, and the ongoing tabloid lobotomy of reason, I suggest time be spent reading this brief summary “How Propaganda Works” by Alia Hoyt.

As a preface I’d like to make clear I have not made this entry to put forth evidence of what appears to be fraud in our midst. As stated in my previous post, there is an exhaustive amount of evidence available elsewhere that details the scope of this fauxdemic bullshit. Links to thought-provoking reports and sources can be found at the end of my commentary for those interested.

Now here’s some personal suggestions for a society being hoodwinked into a neofascist order disguised as a “global health emergency”. Hold fast!

1. Treat one other with inherent love and basic respect but remember, you don’t have to respect another individual’s philosophy, ideas, or behaviour. (Example: Though you may be what I might consider a “nice person,” if I discover that you support slavery, I will not respect that idea nor behaviour that supports such an idea).

1a. Explore, Express, Exercise your fundamental rights. Encourage others to do the same.

2. Understand the propaganda in effect right now acts to homogenize perspective globally so that the only account of this event is an account from plutocrats, technocrats, fascists, and their payrolled propagandists. Their goal is to manufacture consent among the population and secure enough compliance to usher in a new era of control. Awareness can break the spell.

2a. To propagandists it is critical that they sell you a moral compass that works for them. Do not do business with the merchants of morals. The opportunity to revisit one’s own values is critical at all junctions in life. Don’t leave it up to a third-party with an interest in shaping your ethics for power and profit.

3. Strike down prejudice with principled reason and humour.

4. Support true grassroots media and independent, investigative reporting (see links below).

4a. Recognize and crush censorship at every turn. Censors are a danger to society.

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Professor Walter Ricciardi, scientific adviser to Italy’s Minister of Health

5. Develop media literacy.

7. Listen to some good music.

6. One’s awareness of systemic corruption may be proportionate to how well one understands current events, including the current hysterics over “sars-cov2” (e.g. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and its two proxy groups gave $474 million to the UN’s World Health Organization in 2017 making it not only the WHO’s largest private donor, but a more generous donor than the entire US Government, who donated $401 million that year!).

6. Develop statistical literacy.

3. Guard against statistical hypnosis. “There are lies, damned, lies, and statistics.”

6. Talk about the global detention with as many people as possible. After asking the right questions you might find that most people you speak to actually object to clinical martial law (aka. “quarantine”). Most folks I’ve spoken to display skepticism about the rona narrative. A number of whom reveal their objections or disapproval once I share my own position. Very cool.

8. Learn about the difference between the ideology of scientism and the scientific method. Two distinct things!

9. Talk philosophy with people. After all, the nature of our behaviour and attitudes are in my opinion indicative of our conscious or subconscious philosophies.

10. Tell jokes. Spread humour.

10. Go outside if you feel it’s safe for you and others. As a mature adult you and you alone are the sole arbiter of your own safety.

10b. Accompany others outdoors: safety in numbers!

10a. Defend yourself. Defend your rights. They are worth defending.

11. Beware the popularization of cults (and the fanaticism it necessitates). Namely the Cult of Safety (e.g. “everyone must be kept safe at all costs”), the Cult of Unity (e.g. “stay at home together!”), and the ever-prolific Cult of Statism. Fanaticism breeds strife, always.

12. Don’t run from hard conversations.

12. Accept the invitation to learn. To read Canadian reports from Global TV (owned by Edmonton-born media tycoon and oil baron JR Shaw & family, through Corus Entertainment), CTV (owned by megacorp Bell Media) or the CBC (crooked state-owned “crown corporation”) and then share them uncritically with others seems irresponsible to me. Consider learning about epidemiology, epistemology, philosophy, behavioural psychology, statistics, statecraft, imperialism, mass media, mysophobia, and so on. It is our responsibility to at least try to learn about the world around us in a genuinely instructive way. The regurgitation of news releases from centralized information mills as though these reports embody truthfulness has helped to dumb down society to a level I can hardly find words for anymore.

4. Make a pasta dish to die for.

13. Develop new skills. Economies are being bull-dozed. You will need new skills (or old skills, see: growing food).

31. It’s naive to expect a “back to normal” situation to appear. This civilization, with all its perversity, has seldom seen “normality”. All one can do is adapt. Find harmony and homeostasis.

14. Our benevolent third parent “the government” (discretely known as “the crown” in Canada) has tried hard to ground us as the juveniles we are seen to be. It is apparent we couldn’t be trusted with the choice to respond appropriately to what would have otherwise been a virtual nonissue. All I can say is: humanity get off your fucking knees! You reach the age of reason by puberty or earlier. You don’t have a third parent for cake sake. That ain’t your mommy. That ain’t your daddy. It’s literally a gang that claims control over some territory during your lifetime. Surprise! That’s the truth. You can make your own decisions and think for yourself. Yes, there are consequences to formulating your own opinions and behaving accordingly. What else is new?

16. Stay loose.

9. Cancel your subscription to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Filling your head with bullshit from people you don’t know while at the same time duping you into producing data that is then sold to advertisers, analytic think tanks, and the military-industrial-complex, to name only a few beneficiaries of your private life. It is a distorter of human relations and a subverter of the delicate dynamics that maintain healthy communities. A certified cesspool of corporate censorship and government interference. Compromised long ago by paid agents and shills as a reliable public forum. Reclaim your mind.

8. Dance.

25. Read, Read, Read. READ!

“Fascism should more properly be called corporatism, since it is the merger of state and corporate power.”

04. Dance yet again.

14a. Three parties are culpable for the havoc being wrought by this phony pandemic: the state and its accomplices for deliberately capsizing economies worldwide and violating human rights en masse, the media cartel for lying and alarming us and our loved ones, and us for carrying out the charade.

15. Some of us are not bothered let alone aware of the presence of tyranny, slavery, or slave-mindedness. Many of us meet slavery and bondage with acquiescence and resignation, some with a sense of enthusiasm. Many of which demand or encourage others to do the same. Just end slavery eternally, internally; everywhere. Learn about its features, its machinations, then end it. Flatten slavery’s curve. That’s my suggestion.

“Doctors put drugs of which they know little into bodies of which they know less for diseases of which they know nothing at all,” said Voltaire

16. A brand of people have decided they want to attempt to stigmatize, restrict, and criminalize the act of socializing face-to-face based on the poorly supported presumption that a measurable distance between bodies will prevent transmission of a bad cold. Dare I say those responsible for pushing this are to be mocked accordingly, and pitied too. For they have yet to learn the futility of such a farce. As long as we’re not in palliative care with pre-existing morbidities, our immune systems will take care of it! Reject the promotion of bacillophobia.

22. The people in their ivory towers that consider us subjects are the foulest of liars. Don’t you forget it! Once all the smoke clears and people become aware of this covid scam, remember the liars who impaired your life. Know their ways. They are in need of planetary distancing, for they are the reckoners of all things good in human culture. Quit voting for them, goddammit, or as the proverb goes “the lesson will repeat until learned”.

17. Take the opportunity to go inward. The spirit and the conscience are always tested. Operation Rona is a spiritual arena. If you happen to be someone in touch with conscience and heart, now is the time to tap into one’s principles, find one’s voice, find peace, and take solace in your dharma knowing all things shall pass.

17a. Solutioneer v. : “The activation of solution-centric methodologies, as opposed to a habitual fixation on problems.”

18. Have courage.

19. Greyface begone!

an empowering flyer I’ve seen making its rounds

A Brief Overview of Operation Corona
brought to you by Swiss Propaganda Research

  1. According to data from the best-studied countries such as South Korea, Iceland, Germany and Denmark, the overall lethality of Covid19 is between 0.1% and 0.4% and thus up to twenty times lower than initially assumed by the WHO.
  2. A study in Nature Medicine comes to a similar conclusion even for the Chinese city of Wuhan. The initially significantly higher values for Wuhan were obtained because many people with only mild or no symptoms were not recorded.
  3. 50% to 80% of test-positive individuals remain symptom-free. Even among the 70 to 79 year old persons about 60% remain symptom-free, many more show only mild symptoms.
  4. The median age of the deceased in most countries (including Italy) is over 80 years and only about 1% of the deceased had no serious previous illnesses. The age and risk profile of deaths thus essentially corresponds to normal mortality. Up to 60% of all Covid19-related deaths have occurred in particularly vulnerable nursing homes.
  5. Many media reports of young and healthy people dying from Covid19 have proven to be false upon closer inspection. Many of these people either did not die from Covid19 or they in fact had serious preconditions (such as undiagnosed leukemia).
  6. Normal overall mortality in the US is about 8000 people per day, in Germany about 2600 people and in Italy about 1800 people per day. Influenza mortality in the US is up to 80,000, in Germany and Italy up to 25,000, and in Switzerland up to 1500 people per winter.
  7. Strongly increased death rates, as in northern Italy, can be influenced by additional risk factors such as very high air pollution and microbial contamination as well as a collapse in the care of the elderly and sick due to mass panic and lockdown measures.
  8. In countries such as Italy and Spain, and to some extent Great Britain and the US, a serious overload of hospitals, notably by the flu, is not unusual. In addition, up to 15% of doctors and nurses currently have to self-quarantine, even if they develop no symptoms.
  9. An important distinction concerns the question of whether people die with or indeed from coronaviruses. Autopsies show that in many cases the previous illnesses were an important or decisive factor, but the official figures usually do not reflect this.
  10. Thus in order to assess the danger of the disease, the key indicator is not the often mentioned number of test-positive persons and deceased, but the number of persons who actually and unexpectedly develop or die of pneumonia.
  11. The often shown exponential curves of “corona cases” are misleading, since the number of tests also increases exponentially. In most countries, the ratio of positive tests to total tests either remains constant between 5% to 25% or increases rather slowly.
  12. Countries without lockdowns and contact bans, such as Japan, South Korea and Sweden, have not experienced a more negative course of events than other countries. This might call into question the effectiveness of such far-reaching measures.
  13. According to leading lung specialists, invasive ventilation of Covid19 patients is often counterproductive and causes additional damage to the lungs. The invasive ventilation of Covid19 patients is partly done out of fear of spreading the virus through aerosols.
  14. Contrary to original assumptions, however, the WHO determined at the end of March that there is no evidence of aerosol dispersal of the virus. A leading German virologist also found no aerosol and no smear infections in a pilot study.
  15. Many clinics in Europe and the US have been lacking patients and some have had to introduce short-time work. Numerous operations and therapies were cancelled by clinics, even emergency patients sometimes stay at home out of fear of the virus.
  16. Several media have been caught trying to dramatize the situation in clinics, sometimes even with manipulative pictures and videos. In general, many media outlets do not question even doubtful official statements and figures.
  17. The virus test kits used internationally are prone to errors. Several studies have shown that even normal corona viruses can give a false positive result. Moreover, the virus test currently in use has not been clinically validated due to time pressure.
  18. Numerous internationally renowned experts from the fields of virology, immunology and epidemiology consider the measures taken to be counterproductive and recommend a rapid natural immunisation of the general population while protecting risk groups.
  19. The number of people suffering from unemployment, psychological problems and domestic violence as a result of the measures taken has exploded in the US and worldwide. Several experts believe that the measures may claim more lives than the virus itself.
  20. NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden warned that the corona crisis is used for the massive and permanent expansion of global surveillance. The renowned virologist Pablo Goldschmidt spoke of a “global media terror” and “totalitarian measures”. Leading British virologist Professor John Oxford spoke of a “media epidemic”.


More outstanding journalism from Swiss Propaganda Research here.

– An incredible series from the Off Guardian team.

12 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic

10 More Experts Criticizing the Coronavirus Panic

8 More Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic

– Increasingly censored Canadian broadcaster Dan Dicks from Press for Truth (recently banned from Twitter for his coverage of a recent public protest in Vancouver).

– Brian Rose of the well-loved channel London Real gives an explosive interview with the routinely censored and derided old man David Icke before it being removed by Alphabet Inc. / Google’s Youtube and Vimeo after accruing millions of views in only a couple days. A second interview will take place early May.

– A short piece by medical reporter Jon Rappoport “SARS 2003: fraud, and the credibility of the World Health Organization

– “Lies, Damned Lies, and Coronavirus Statistics” by Canadian James Corbett of The Corbett Report

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